Overactive Imagination
'I'm going to enjoy watching you break.'
Name: NeopolitanAge: 25 as of V9 (Birthday March 1st)Gender: She/They LesbianHeight: 4'10'' (1,47m with heels) | 4'7'' (1,39m without heels)Semblance: Overactive ImaginationWeapon: Hush (Parasol with a concealed rapier)
I have my own design for her post V9, which is the version I mostly draw and represent in my works nowadays!To check the full and latest ref sheet, CHECK THIS OUT!Here's also a ref for Neopolitan (imaginary friend).

Here with extra cat features (ears and tail), that while being a trauma response of her Semblance and not permanent parts of her body, appear the major part of the time after the possession.

And a visual reference for her newest neck scar, specific beauty marks on her face, and the rosacea (also on the face only). The rest of her body is also covered with randomly placed moles.

Undressed for a better visual of her extra hair- fur now growing on her shoulders, elbows, back of her legs, and happy trail more noticeable.

Quick study and ref for the usage of eye-changing colors for certain emotions.

🌂THE SUPER BASICS🍨Actually, I think it's funny that I think the fastest way to tell 'oh, this is Lesbianeo's Neo' is by the piercings, LIKE, they're always there...look out for that specific set of piercings, I've given her the piercings since day 1.The post V9 'scars' are newer, but you know that's gonna become iconic from now on because I ain't getting rid of them (+ the Mad Hatter vibes).There's also the distinction between her pink and brown side of the hair (pink=layered, wilder, brown = wavier, non-layered).It's also super RARE to see my Neo in a dress- I noticed how in the show or official designs we didn't get Neo with a dress/skirt outside of her childhood stuff, so I have this headcanon of her not being all that fond of dresses/skirts nowadays because of certain associations.^ Fake personas not included btw (like the Vytal Festival identity), I'm talking about Neopolitan now.
💗IMPORTANT PERSONAL HEADCANON ON HER SEXUALITY AND COMING OUT👩❤️👩Here's a compilation of my personal headcanon on Neo and why headcanoning it this way brings me comfort (as a lesbian who was closeted and dated a dude for years because denial)--Before she was sent to Lady Browning’s Preparatory Academy For Girls, she would’ve already experimented with herself, in the sense that she technically lost her virginity to herself, or at that moment, to Neo, her ‘imaginary friend’. It couldn’t get sadder because that moment was simply born out of the desperation of her loneliness- being so isolated from the world makes one do crazy things sometimes.But that didn’t mean that Trivia knew who she was attracted to, it was a one-time thing, and her next stop would be the Academy.I can say for certain that she had her gay awakening at the Academy, even if it was in a subconscious manner. She hated basically every single girl in the damned school because no one treated her right, so she never had the chance of getting close to any of them, nor she wanted to, so despite there being something at the back of her mind that made her find many of the girls attractive and interesting, she didn’t think at the moment that it meant she was a lesbian.She got back at the Malachite twins once, though, she decided to fuck up with Miltia by turning into her lover -another girl of the Academy- and took their place, so when they started getting into the heat of the moment, Neo turned back to be herself in the middle of it to send the major ‘fuck you’ to Miltia she could. Even when she was doing that out of spite and revenge to their bullying, there was still something at the back of her mind that made her enjoy kissing and getting naughty with another girl, but she still denied it.After the Academy, all she had was Roman, and for a time, Neo was actually pretty convinced that she felt attraction for him, but any show of affection that ended crossing into romantic/sexual territory is something that didn’t feel right for her, so it’s after spending like a year with him, that she finally accepted she was simply attracted to women.Since then, she has been rather proud and open about it- definitely nothing she’s ashamed of.Now, back when she lived with Roman, the platonic relationship she had with him filled the wholesome moments she needed, but Neo was prone to go out at night after a heist to flirt with women at the club.There was always an attempt to try and find romantic feelings in those one-night stands, but she never found it, despite not minding filling her need for sexual encounters that way.It got to a point in which she started to believe she would never be able to develop those kinds of feelings for another woman, and even if that's far from the truth, it's true she has it hard to fall for someone, romantically speaking, even if she can feel sexual attraction way earlier.On a side note, when she gets to fall in love she's monogamous, thinking that social relationships are already hard enough to maintain to get into more than one.She is definitely not used to have prolonged friendships with other people that aren't Roman, so she's not only kinda lonely, but she also falls being rather dependent of the person she clings onto.Girl has issues.
🃏POST-V9 IMPORTANT HEADCANONS AND POST-POSSESSION🐈I've been thinking of after-possession Neo actually keeping small features of the cat as a grim reminder of what happened.Keep sharp teeth and white slit pupils in her normal eyes.She would totally try to cover those with her Semblance, would hate looking at herself in the mirror after- a cruel way of making her feel like she isn't exactly /her/ after everything's over, almost like when she was Trivia.To me, my Neo going through that would parallel Cinder's own self-consciousness after the scars and Grimm arm incident, girl's gonna end up with PTSD, and she will need to work through the acceptance of it, more as a sign that she survived and found a purpose to keep living, than a sign of her being a monster.--Headcanon that the cat ears and tail are trauma responses of my Neo's Semblance like it happened with the white streaks at first, LIKE, sometimes they happen out of her control, trying to get over the new trauma.--Post-possession her nails grow faster and shaped liked claws- hating them, she obsessively tries to cut them all the time, specially when she prefers having her whole hands covered by gloves.--Her senses actually heightened to that of a cat post-possession. Not being used to be more sensitive, she's still getting used to the better hearing and smell sense specially.At least she can see in the dark now---She still has a lot of nightmares about her past, but specially of more recent events, like Roman's death and the possession by the CC.SPECIALLY the possession of the CC as of late.--Still cooking the thought, but after ascending, my Neo totally spent some more time in the Ever After before going back to Remnant, to learn a bit more of the locals and maybe do something not-so-destructive for them to compensate.At some point in the way, she made friends with an Afteran (most likely Somewhat), ended up gifting them Roman’s hat not only as a sign of friendship, but also as a sign of her completely letting go, fully healed- she wanted to remember Roman, but didn’t want to cling to the last thing that linked her to him, or that could keep reminding her of Roman in a bittersweet way.She goes back to Remnant after leaving that behind, to start fresh.---It's still funny whenever I refer to my Neo design as 'my version of ascended Neo' when, yes, she did have a talk with the tree and became wood, but technically she didn't ascend, otherwise she would've lost all her memories.NOW, the fact she chose herself very much like Ruby speaks by itself. My Neo would rather keep the memories of her life (specially because, how cruel would it be to FOREVER forget about Roman himself?) than lose them.She would rather endure the trauma and the changes in her body to not forget Roman and her life experiences, even if she has to work through her struggles again. Like, there's part of her screaming that she's strong enough.---The things she gained from the post-possession, ordered:-Heightened senses (smell, hearing…).
-The white slit pupils. She can now see in the dark.
-Sharp teeth. To tear apart prey.
-Nails that grow like sharp nails (in both, hands and feet). Also to help with hurting.
- Extra hair/fur growing on shoulders, elbows, back of legs, and more noticeable happy trail if she doesn't shave them.
-Feral cat behaviour/urges of a predatory animal at times.
-Heat cycles. A few days before her period, she gets one.These changes obviously changed her biologically enough to be able to consume raw meat. Just like feral cats.What’s only part of a trauma response of her Semblance:- Cat ears and a tail. When the CC possessed her, they made ears and a tail appear on the body, so subconsciously, she feels uncomfortable without them -ironically enough- because at the same time, the whole cat thing makes her disgusted with herself.---She committed cannibalism at some point due to the feral cat behavior and urges. :')---Okay, getting deeper into my Neo's stay in the Ever After post V9-So after deciding to keep being herself, with consequences and all, I've already mentioned how her intention was actually to help a little around the place, mainly because she thought it would help her find a purpose to go back to Remnant, or maybe one to stay there forever, thing is, with the changes of her body and behavior, the month she was around was probably more hellish for her than to anyone else.Her /DIET/, while staying there she fed herself with fruits, cheese, and I want to imagine strange fish that she could either get from the beach or rivers around the Ever After. But because she now had the urges of a predator from time to time, the EFFORT she had to make to not eat any of the adorable and rational animal companions from the place was almost painful.She installed her main spot in the Cake Acre. She may or may have not consumed a lot of sugary stuff there to keep her mind busy and get sugar high.Her reputation as the Mad Hatter completely came from the fact that at times, in moments in which she wanted to eat some of the Afterans, she isolated herself in the Cake Acre for a closed tea party. One in which she was surrounded by illusions rather than real creatures. Playing pretend until the sensation of hunger for flesh went away.There was no real Jabberwalker anymore because Neo killed it, but at least the Reassuring Rabbit helped with fixing the hearts of the Afterans a little, and in part it included Neo herself when going through a very bad episode.The illusory characters that accompanied her delusions were, of course, based on the Alice in Wonderland characters. Other versions of them, anyway. Her own dormouse, the March Hare…and Alyx.My Neo totally lived inside an ice-cream themed house in the Ever After, and it was totally placed in the middle of a candy forest to stay away from the Afterans, just in case.The Mad Hatter tea party table was more in the open, but kind of in the middle of nowhere.---Thinking again about how my poor girl ended with a great pain in her throat because of the forced talking of the CC's possession. The mix of possession magic to do so but while in a mute host like Neo, well, damaged her vocal cords even more for the moment.She recovered from it after getting to the tree, but I don't doubt the further inflammation or even infection/bleeding of defective vocal cords wasn't exactly a nice experience.It definitely added to the horrifying feeling of the possession. But that was the point, having an experience like that isn't to be taken lightly, specially when it definitely felt like a mockery of who Neo was as a person.---Her 'imaginary friend' Neopolitan manifests again due to her currently shattered mind and mental instability. She appears as a clone of Neo, but with full pink hair, no cat features, and a tendency to wear all shades of pink (+ some whites). Neopolitan has been the March Hare in Neo's tea parties at the Ever After.---Neo with leftover Afteran magic due to the possession so she can float and disappear in Cheshire fashion like the CC could do.Adding the: grow giant clawed paws close to the blue ones the CC used when in Neo's body, even if she probs could do that with her Semblance already.

Neo is reluctant to remove her gloves because it's pretty symbolic for her to wear them, specially when committing a crime.It makes her feel that instead of 'getting blood in her hands', the gloves keep her clean from it. Then again, it's only symbolic.The bigger scar in Neo’s left hand’s palm was a badly healed wound from when she held a broken piece of glass tight, that one time she thought about going ahead with suicide. She still didn't have full control of her Aura yet, so it didn't heal as best as it could have.Furthermore, Neo actually has mutilated fingertips.She’s one of those criminals that went as far as to go through such a painful process to remove her fingerprints, just in case.Roman was the one to help her do it.
Neo LOVES horror movies, specially because she doesn’t get scared, but she always gets ideas from them to scare the shit out of someone with the help of her Semblance.Recommended keeping her away from horror movies.
Neo surely got in a few physical fights when at the Academy, specially at the start, because she was starting to embrace herself as Neopolitan, so she didn’t like having others step over her like anyone would’ve done when she was more known as Trivia.Her methods evolved to her using her Semblance to mess around with everyone, but maybe that was worse, because playing around with illusions just made her end up hurting people more psychologically and stuff.So it’s not any better.
If I had to choose a comparable real ethnicity to my Neo, she would be British + Italian.British on mom side, Italian from dad.
Neo definitely started a cryptid legend or urban legend at Beacon with the help of her Semblance, when she had to infiltrate as a Haven student.
My Neo's a lover of sweets and junk food because she was denied of having them when she was a kid.Her mom's the only one that had prepared her favorite little cakes for her from time to time, and despite having her locked and 'spoiled', the majority of the books and games came from Hei Xiong, anyway, not her parents, so I can imagine they didn't pay much attention to Neo's likes, so being strict with the food is not far-fetched.I want to believe they also punished her a lot by taking away her fave treats whenever she got in trouble, so it didn't help either.Now you got a woman doing whatever she wants.
I still didn't forget that Neo's parents used to have her under medication to keep her 'calm' and so she couldn't use her powers much.Pills to make her sleepy.My Neo really disliked living like that. They made her passive and out of energy to do anything and almost all day involved her laying in bed staring at the ceiling, without even the company of 'Neo' because her Semblance was being repressed as well.Boring classes with the personal teacher and not much else.She started to develop the skill of making as if she consumed the pills and then spitting them out once alone. Can't blame her.
After the incident of having her own mother putting a paralyzing drug inside her tea, she has grown very paranoid when someone offers her tea or another drink at the homes of people she visits.She always makes the host to try it first to make sure it’s not poisoned or modified in any harmful way.
The white streaks in my Neo’s hair are born from trauma. They appeared on her hair after she killed her parents- in part it’s both, a symbol of what she did, and a symbol of her achieved freedom.They actually make her remember her mother. Despite Carmel also being a bad person, Neo tried to cling to the brief moments in which she showed some affection (even if most was an act) or the fact she seemed to care about some things, even if her father’s words were always over her mother’s.On the other hand, while the pink side is dyed, the white streaks are completely a subconscious and residual creation of her Semblance that doesn’t drain her, close to how sometimes her eyes change colors if under great emotional stress.
Take for sure that Neo not only is a good spy or a great assassin- she not only knows how to beat someone up or go for a kill, but she has been the hand of torture when working alongside Roman.If they kept someone hostage and they needed to get info from them, Neo may not be able to speak, but she has too much fun torturing the hostages with different techniques, specially when she has learnt about sensitive areas that can be abused BUT without killing the subject.I don’t think Roman liked getting involved, but he sure let Neo have her fun, as long as she didn’t go too far as to kill them before getting the info they wanted.
We know that Aura helps people of Remnant to stay ignorant of the weather of their surroundings, be it ignoring cold or temperatures that are too warm, even if at the same time, keeping up Aura to protect themselves from it drains it.I can imagine that Neo only uses Aura to not notice the worst temperature changes when she’s not getting ready to go into a mission/do something outside/in a survival situation, because otherwise it could be a waste in case she needed her Semblance.BUT…when colder seasons come, if she’s with someone she’s attached to and they’re in the same room, she may drop her Aura from acting up to find an excuse of getting too cold.Yes, she does this so she can cuddle.In my head she has done this when around Cinder a few times.
When Neo has big breakdowns/anxiety attacks or spends too much time alone and overthinking, her Semblance is prone to go off by materializing figures of people from her past to torment her, kind of like when Neo was her imaginary friend, but worse.It's usually the figures of her parents saying cruel things, and after Roman's death, he has also appeared a lot because she feels kinda guilty about his death, for not being there to protect him.She has a good control of her Semblance but, her mental instability really shows up sometimes.---Depressing headcanon time for my Neo! So, beware. Mention of suicidal tendencies ahead.Because I didn't write this one down until now but, we already know that my Neo went through one of the biggest breakdowns after the fall of Beacon- Roman's death and the shocking sight of his remains affected her REALLY bad, to the point her Semblance started going off to torment her with the images of her parents and Roman.At that point in time the illusions couldn't speak out loud, but Neo's mind did enough with tormenting her with inner thoughts and the inner voices of the people she projected.That being, Carmel, Jimmy and Roman. Not only was she extremely broken, but she also felt some guilt at first about not being there to protect Roman.So, well, she fell into a depressive episode for some time. After 2 or 3 days of the fall of Beacon, she didn't outright think of going to find Cinder at Mistral- she had to work through her mood at first, and at some point of the day, she was so emotionally exhausted, that she had a small incident in which she almost let the illusions to actually kill her.Jimmy and Carmel holding her in place, and Roman choking her to death.It was a subconscious wish of wanting to end with her life, but, of course, because there was still a part of her that wanted to live, the same way her subconscious gave her these living nightmares, it took them away, so before it could get too severe, she made the illusions disappear.It was a very harsh week? Month? It really took her a while to recompose herself and turn her depression into wrath and thus, get into the path for revenge.
Sometimes I wonder the mess Vale would’ve been in after the death of Jimmy Vanille, Neo’s father.I mean, he was the /City Manager/ of Vale, and as of Volume 1, it’s been only around 5 years since Neo manipulated The Spiders to blow up the Vanille state with her parents inside.Not only that, but she also killed Hei Xiong (Junior’s father) who was then the crime lord of Vale. I can see that Roman quickly took over the power of Vale’s criminal Underworld after that.But the death of Jimmy Vanille, Carmel Vanille and I wanna believe the presumed death of Trivia Vanille probably splattered the news for some time. Like, Lisa Lavender had all the info on the truth behind Lady Browning’s Academy and stuff because Neo and Roman sold her the info, but if Jimmy was that influential and important in Vale, I’m sure the topic didn’t die all that soon.It’s still even better that not a lot of people would ever suspect that ‘Trivia’ is still alive, because many people out of the Vanille house didn’t even know the Vanille had a daughter, so, hah.And even if they posted her face around Vale, I’m sure all the pictures her parents had were with Trivia with her basic brown hair and two brown eyes, because they always made her cover the pink one with a contact anyway.I want to believe her parents weren’t even people fond of taking many pictures of Trivia. They were that ashamed of her.
I’ve been thinking over about how is it possible that Neo can do this with her Semblance- it’s not the only time she does it.

I want to believe that her Semblance actually lets her leave a clone behind while the original one is reflected (mirrors reference and all) away from the clone, with the original reappearing away from the copy and with possible ‘optical camo’ until the dummy clone breaks and she makes herself visible again.Otherwise I don’t know how this woman would leave a clone behind in the matter of seconds. It would be a good headcanon to also explain how she just escaped from Oscar’s arms when confronting JNPR and then she was actually just, already away from them all.
I actually have a lot of thoughts about Neo’s process to commit crimes, so let’s see if I can order them without forgetting stuff or writing down a mess-She’s absolutely paranoid about leaving clues behind, so no fingertips, either because of gloves, a cover with her Semblance to make proof very misleading (aka, changing her fingertips to something random- thanks god her illusions are physical) or in the worst case, the fact my interpretation of Neo burnt her own fingertips to not be easy to identify via those.I’m sure she enters the scenes with the appearance of someone else. If there are cameras, she eventually destroys or disconnects them with the faux appearance. If we pay attention to canon, Roman has always been the face of the crimes, and Neo doesn’t seem to appear anywhere, not even after the Vytal Festival when Cinder’s group is wanted by the authorities. So she’s good at hiding her true identity.I’m sure she would even try to let the blame fall on someone else by taking the appearance of citizens of Vale when more ‘exposed’. Take for sure she’s too good with identity theft. Seeing how easily she just took over the damn Atlesian ship to free Roman that one time, this bitch knows what she’s doing.Like, come on, she entered a high security military airship, made a cleansing before freeing Roman, and then they had the airship for themselves.Being a fighter that mainly works by counter-attacking or blocking attacks, I’m sure she rarely makes a mess when it comes to murder. I want to believe in a normal situation, her last hit to kill a person is always with the unsheathed blade of Hush, but only if you’ve 'entertained’ her enough. Otherwise, if you don’t have the pleasure of amusing her, I can see her just cutting necks with a broken piece of glass made with the Semblance (to not leave any weapon proof behind), so they either die from blood loss or choke with their blood.She actually carries a Swiss knife in her back pocket, but that thought aside…So, you usually can get from her either a person that died from a profound stab wound (if she used the rapier from Hush), or a cut to the neck (that, adding as a side note, I can see it being kind of like her 'mark’- going for the neck on her victims because of the lack of her own voice).It doesn’t help that I can actually see her using her Semblance to add extra misleading clues at the crime’s scene (on top on the fingertip trick) when the limit is only her imagination, because I’m sure she loves to play around with the cops or Huntsmen so they go crazy trying to figure everything out.Crimes of theft alongside Roman are another story, but if she can get away with murder, she can get away with petty theft.I also wonder how easy it’s to corrupt the cops by bribing them, seeing as how Jimmy Vanille paid them to stay shut about Trivia’s first crimes, or knowing Huntsmen on the 'other side of the law’ also exist.To remove blood off her clothes? Oxygen-producing detergent. With her being a trained assassin (and seeing how skillful she is), I can imagine that the crimes she usually commits or, the murders, in this case, hardly make her sweat, and even less bleed because you gotta get over her Aura first.With some extras on crime activity:Would she get rid of the corpses? Maybe sometimes, if she feels like it.Would she torture people if Roman needs someone to 'sing’? Definitely. I even headcanon she plays a song in the background whenever she has to torture for info, she has a lot of fun, if they survive they will be left traumatized. She usually starts with removing the nails off people’s hands.Idk, many thoughts, if she hasn’t been caught yet, it says a lot.Mafia shit.The song in question that she likes to play when torturing to get info.
Now that I'm at it, I'm gonna throw around the headcanon I have about Roman's death, like, Ruby killed the Grimm that swallowed him so fast, that I want to believe he died in a different way, and thus Neo eventually found his remains in the ruins of ValeLike, he was unconscious once Ruby killed the Grimm, and later the airship they were in crashed.So I have this story in my head in which Roman actually died because of the crash, and later a desperate Neo tried to find him, only to find Roman in pieces around the place the airship crashed on.Witnessing such a horrifying scene and seeing her companion like that, is what ultimately fuelled her to avenge him (after getting over her own depressive episode, mind you).They left her partner in crime in pieces? She would do the same with the one responsible.Of course, even if her anger is redirected to someone else, my Neo actually feels extremely guilty of Roman's death because she wasn't there to protect him- but that's another story.
I have this headcanon of the Vanille actually having a family pantheon in the cemetery and the two main graves are pretty much Jimmy and Carmel.And Trivia has a small one in there that is hard to notice.My Neo has gone there to vandalize the graves a few times before.
Because Neo's a mute, I always had this headcanon of her parents trying to hire personal teachers for her to learn to play an instrument instead, as a sign of high society or something.Like, they tried with piano lessons, violin and traverse flute, but Trivia always got eventually bored of them and messed up with something so the teachers always ended up leaving.Like, she's a quick learner but she wasn't personally interested in any of those, so it was another hassle to her.
You know, with today's episode info, I'm glad I personally gave my Neo the headcanon of The Girl Who Fell Through the World to be her fave fairy tale, even if in canon it's The Girl in the Tower because she could relateLike, a girl that enters a different world to escape their own reality and problems sounds very fitting tooAnd now we also know Alyx seemed to cause some chaos lol
(In reference to Neo after the Fall of Beacon/before she went to Mistral to find Cinder)In my head, this was one of Neo's lowest points in her life, like, after finding Roman remains my Neo broke down so bad that her Semblance started going off and she got illusions of her parents and Roman torturing her.Voices in her head (because the illusions couldn't speak back then) about how she wasn't there to save him, or her parents pointing out things about her current life decisions to make her feel worse LIKE, my Neo spent her time grieving alone and pretty much going nuts before she even went to find Cinder- for a time she even thought about suicide, visited where the Vanille state or Lady Beat's Academy used to be, and drowned into bad habits getting worse.I wrote these before how delusional she got in the Ever After, so it ties p well with me.Of course, she eventually found strength to go to Mistral and find Lil' Miss to get her help, despite the beef they had in the past, because they're good with handling info and there was a voice in her head always redirecting the guilt to someone else so she could keep living and moving.Kind of a reference to when she was younger and always blamed Neo for the mischief she made.Just that this time, it was consuming revenge.
Hear me out, my Neo's so paranoid that in social media she p much created a totally new and fake persona to be anonymous, like, to look like a person and not a complete bot, she created the appearance of a person that doesn't exist at all.It's like a game to her her fake identity in social media is NOTHING related to sweets or ice cream, like, she's p serious about this so she doesn't give any clues about who she really is, and is very careful with the kind of pics she uploads so people can't find her, etc.Learnt the basics so she can't be tracked by her Scroll either.As expected, she's an agent of chaos that's just in there to watch the world burn, so she tends to troll people and reply to arguments with 'actually' moments a lot.
Neo surely got bite marks from Cinder.
(About Vale's design in the RWBY x JL movie)I love how this literally feeds my personal headcanon of Neo being a mix of British/Italian (British from Carmel, Italian from Jimmy), because she's from VALE, like, it's PERFECT??
Neo used to own a butterfly knife when at Lady Browning's before getting Hush.She shoplifted it- absolutely looked up at videos to start practicing with it btw, and she got the necessity to get it after the incident of that one girl that tried to cut her hair in her sleep.--Neo is naturally a right handed person, but she was trained to be ambidextrous for some things, just in case.--Whenever Neo is really angry or feeling like a complete little shit, she won't use TTS nor sign language at all. You gotta guess by expressions and gestures alone.She may still insult aggressively in sign language, tho.--Neo's able to make small sounds that come from the back of her throat, guttural-kind, but in exchange, her throat usually tightens from the effort, and sometimes it can hurt a bit if forced too much.--My Neo uses sweet-flavored lipstick because she gotta be the sweetest kisser around, literally.--My Neo's fave flower is Bleeding Hearts!Plus, they're quite toxic, she may or may not poison the tea sometimes with that---Despite her wild personality, she loves to have her room all tidy and in order. It's harmonious for her.This counts even for places she's just passing by, like hotel rooms and such.--Her favorite alcoholic drinks are those that are sweet as hell. Caramel Vodka, lollipop liquors, strawberry gin with some soda and the like.She may add even sweeter treats to them, like gummies, marshmallows, chocolate and so on.--She loved to drive the gamer community insane by recording videos of Semblance-modified gameplays. Impossible secrets, cheats, and the like.--Despite having her hands covered by gloves the 99% of the time, when she doesn't, one can perceive she paints her nails pink and brown, alternating on each finger. Same with her toes.--She loves to smell sweet to go with her appearance, so her main perfumes include strawberry and whipped cream, vanilla and cotton candy.Ironically enough, despite smoking, she hates the smell and ends up trying to cover it with more perfume before taking a bath later.--Her hair is incredibly soft to the touch, even her pink layered side- being close to cotton candy in texture.--Her eyes change color to indicate moods at times: two white eyes when she's scared or stressed, and right brown + left white when she's specially sadistic and enjoying the moment.--One of her favourite ways to drink tea is with milk, even if she won't reject the most classical brews.--Even if she has a morning routine to exercise, she's not exactly a morning person. Crime works better at night, so her 'morning' is usually around 11pm.Despite her own habits, she adapts quickly to any schedule if needed. And needs no alarms to wake up at x time.--This Neo is a Pisces. Born March 1st. A sign said to be very creative, intuitive and dreamy. Furthermore, the twin fishes represent what she is, in a way. With the duality of what she once was.--By herself, she was the one to bury Roman's remains in a park they both used to love. The makeshift grave at Vale's cemetery is actually symbolic, even if it's the one she visits the most.--It's on rare occasions, but Neo still likes to play violin in her intimacy from time to time.--Neo hates the feeling of sleeping alone, so if she's not sleeping and clinging to a partner, she clings to a stuffed toy instead, or a pillow.--Despite having been used to get one-night stands from clubs and the like, Neo HATES clubs and crowded places. Too loud for her.--Her body temperature tends to lower pretty fast, so she gets cold easily when in the right weather. It's why she loves finding excuses to get cozy and warm, specially if her partner is close.--She actually hates some foods because of texture, not because of taste. It happens with many vegetables and it's what makes her 'picky'.--Sometimes she uses her Semblance to 'bind' her chest if she doesn't feel like dealing with the burden of her titties.At times if she's in the mood she will just appear fully masculine just because she feels like it. (Only after having her Semblance evolution in V9), but she doesn't label herself as nonbinary, genderfluid nor any of the sorts.--Her favorite bubblegums are those that are filled with a sweet strawberry syrup inside. She likes the sensation of chewing and it exploding inside her mouth before she starts to munch it properly.--One of the musicians she listens the most to, is Halsey (Remnant equivalent, anyway, I'm making this canon to her)--Neapolitan flavor aside, Neo loves white chocolate ice cream, second fave flavor!--She loves watching crime shows from time to time.--She may not be an early riser, but she does exercise every morning, before breakfast.The exercises are centered in flexibility and gymnastics, mainly.--My Neo's favorite videogames are platformers, RPGs and fighting games.--She can actually draw kinda well, but mainly when it comes to designing clothing.--Some of her bad habits include smoking and having one-night stands.--Her music taste ranges from pop music to alternative rock and there's no in-between, soft and metal, two sides of the same coin.--Some of her fave animals are bunnies.--Sometimes she sleeps with a knife under the pillow, just in case.--Her fave breakfast is coffee or chocolate milk and a toast with butter and marmalade (strawberry)--She loves lacey underwear for herself, specially in pink, she finds it pretty elegant and sexy, woops.--Her fave flavors of coke are vanilla and cherry!--She has a physical album where she pasted all the news from the newspapers that involved Roman and (secretly) her.--She actually likes sneaking into the cinema to watch movies for free.--One of her fave sugary treats (aside of ice cream) is cheesecake.--She gets clingy and kinda possessive whenever she falls in love, in fear of loneliness.--In part she knows how to play piano. When she was younger her parents signed her up for private piano lessons for a while.--Despite the inflated ego and good confidence she has on herself nowadays, her past still weights on her, and sometimes it comes back to bite her butt, she's just too good with hiding it, but one day she will break down or snap.--She actually likes driving quite a lot, and likes learning how to drive new stuff with the help of the internet.--Neo has a weak spot for women with dark hair and green eyes, that's why her go-to custom disguises are black haired women with green eyes.--Her favorite seasons are Spring and Autumn.--She loves doing playback because she has no voice, but she follows the lyrics real well.--To this day she still likes fairy tales, so she tends to check new editions, specially for the illustrations.--Despite her disposition of loving sweet food, Neo can actually stand spicy food real well.If she chooses spicy food, though, she would go for something mildly spicy, not something too exaggerated.--When it comes to shows and movies that my Neo would watch: Magical Girl Animes, old-styled violent cartoons and not so old-styled cartoons, fantasy movies/shows, true crime shows, just crime shows in general.Those shows that show you how certain sweet products are created en masse because it's visual stim, HORROR stuff in all its forms because they feed her -sometimes- perverse imagination, old detective movies or mafia movies...Those would be among her faves, but she's up to watch more stuff, like action movies/shows, romance (only tolerated at times), etc, etc.--Headcanon of Neo's Semblance going off when she's having nightmares and she just, manifests horrors around the room related to it, subconsciously.Her sleep paralysis demons are more real than you think, but they break as soon as she's fully awake.Still creepy af to watch as an outsider.

CW: Depression; attempted suicide.--Trivia didn’t know for how long she has been crying, she only knew that it was already past midnight, and despite her eyes becoming tired, itchy and heavy, she couldn’t fall asleep.She felt lonely, like it has happened many times before this one, but tonight it felt specially heavy- chest and throat hurting more than the rest of her body, and hands trembling while she moved around on the bed, anxious. Upset.Usually, Neopolitan would’ve appeared already to hold her when no one else would, but for one reason or another, it seems her Semblance wouldn’t do the job for her this time.It felt consuming, being alone in the dark, locked, knowing the next day wouldn’t fix her life, or more so, knowing her parents wouldn’t change.Trivia felt so trapped and guilty about her own existence, that she truly wondered if being here was even worth it.‘If I disappeared, they wouldn’t notice.’She thought to herself. A thought that would’ve crossed her mind more than once before, specially when proven that her parents did indeed not notice her absence when she managed to sneak out of the mansion.A recurring thought that made her frown and her heart to skip a beat, and even if she wanted to keep crying, it seems her eyes gave up on that already.'I’m tired.’Passing the back of her hand against her forehead, Trivia took a small and shaky breath, before rolling to get out of the bed, standing up on both of her feet, and trying to keep her tired body in balance so she wouldn’t trip.She…missed Neo, but her mind was so clouded and fuzzy, that all the girl did was step closer to the mirror of her room, staring at herself, in complete silence.She looked really miserable, or so she thought. Seeing her own reflection in the mirror reminded her of her eyes, and consequently the treatment she has received for them, or the lack of a voice.One of her index fingers moved up to rest under her left pink eye; the fingertip making a bit of pressure before she sighed deeply and looked away in shame, not even being able to acknowledge herself.'If I was born like the rest, then maybe mama wouldn’t look at me with such shame. Or maybe papa wouldn’t get so angry with me for not being able to respond to him with a voice.’Clenching her jaw, Trivia started to tremble; her hands curling into fists so tight that her knuckles became white, and once she could feel her throat tighten, she stepped closer to the mirror, raising up both of her hands.'This is all YOUR fault!’The next thing would be the loud noise of shattered glass; the girl’s mouth opening in the attempt to let out a scream, even if nothing more than a pained groan escaped her lips.Trivia took a step back after gasping, her hands caught in cracked pieces and opening small cuts in the process, but this wasn’t anything new.She has gotten injured before, and more often than not, her parents also ignored that. And now Trivia was the one ignoring the blood that was slowly dripping down her hands. Instead, she knelt on the floor, with trembling eyes fixated on the sharp and bigger pieces that were left under her feet.Her heart could leave her chest at any moment, and even if with hesitation, one of her hands reached out to pick a piece, tight, with no care- the hesitation was suddenly gone, and the young woman would be pointing it at her neck; her reflection in the broken mirror in front of her.But before she could go any further, a hand stopped her; tight around the one that held the glass, and staying there for long enough to convince Trivia she shouldn’t do it.It was Neo.The girl with pink hair looked at Trivia from the side, using one of her hands to move the shattered glass away from her throat, while the other arm wrapped around the pained girl in reassurance.Not trying to oppose the other, Trivia took a deep breath and swallowed, before putting the glass away, and letting it fall back on the floor with the rest.What did she almost do?Turning around, Trivia looked into Neo’s eyes, and after the pink haired girl shook her head gently the girl threw herself into the arms of her best friend; throat tightening, and body shaking in panic while Neopolitan kept her close. Tight.“Trivia? What happened here?”But the voice of her mother entering the room disrupted any moments she could’ve had to truly calm down, making Trivia tense and perk up, before she got away from Neo and held her knees close to her chest.Carmel saw the blood, and the broken mirror on the ground- before she could reply or get closer, Jimmy Vanille entered the room as well. And he looked angry.Not like he looked any better when it came to Trivia.“What have you done this time, Trivia?”It was obvious that despite trying to stay calm, he wasn’t, specially when his words left through gritted teeth; his eyes darting around the room to notice Neo, and the glass on the floor as well.“Was it Neo again? Are you going to blame her again?”But, this time it wasn’t Neo’s fault. She didn’t tell her to do this, she saved her instead.Shaking her head nervously, Trivia hugged her knees even closer, trying to calm down her trembling body, but failing to do so.“I don’t know what you were thinking, Trivia. But someone clean this mess. You don’t want to see me even angrier.”Oh, she knew she didn’t want that, so she simply nodded her head without paying much attention, before her mother sighed softly and shook her head in disapproval.Once again, she didn’t dare to look her in the eye.All she did was rest a hand on her daughter’s knees for a second, and even if it seemed like she wanted to say something, she ultimately decided not to, standing up instead and leaving the room as well.Guess it was just Neo and her now, like it always was.————–Inspired by a line in Roman Holiday!'When she was depressed or upset, she almost tried to pull herself in, to disappear. And before coming here, she had been depressed and upset a lot.'